DONE-ServSafe Course and Exam in Schofield, WI
Registration Closed.
Last Date to Register: 8/24/2023 12:01 AM
Last Date to Cancel: 8/19/2023 12:01 AM
You are begining the registration process to attend a ServSafe course on Tuesday, August 22 and take the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification.
Class begins at 8:00am at the D.C. Everst School District, specifically the Greenheck Field House, located at 6400 Alderson Street in Schofield, WI.
We will begin the Exam Administration by 2:45PM on Tuesday, August 22. You have two hours (3-5pm) to take the multiple choice exam. The test will be taken with paper and pencil. Please make us aware of any special accommodations or language preferences. A photo ID will be required.
The baseline cost for the ServSafe course is $50.
To particpate you will need a 7th Edition ServSafe Manager coursebook. You may acquire your own copy by ordering through the ServSafe website or you can have DPI bring a copy on the day of the class. Both options will cost an additional $50-70. You will make your selection on the following page.
To begin, you may click "Register for this Event" at the top of the page.